Welcome, bbcpo.

I am sure you will enjoy your system. We like pictures, btw

I am especially interested in your impressions about your wonderful new HDTV. I hope that from perusing the forums you understand that we are somewhat less geeky than other internet watering holes, and would value your real-world, honest opinions about the experience. What was your frame of reference before the Samsung and the Axioms?

The Axiom staff are wonderful. Part of the allure of the company and these boards is a throwback to the time when you could build relationships with people you do business with. The Colquhouns espouse integrity and values. They take risks based on assuming goodness in people. They do the right thing. I want them to succeed for lots of reasons, not the least of which is to continue to prove to other companies that making the world a richer place and being profitable are symbiotic, not contradictory.

Randy is being too modest, and giving me FAR too much credit. My guiding premise has been to help where I can, and try to contribute positively to the forum culture. I lack the depth of technical knowledge of most regulars. We generally support each other, which makes this a good place. I have learned a lot, and value the friends I've made here. If you have some special expertise you care to share, please stick around and give us the benefit of your wisdom.

Oh, and be sure to calibrate your system with Avia, DVE or S&V and a Radio Shack SPL meter. It can make a big difference. Mostly, just relax and savor the moments of joy in the music and movies.

bibere usque ad hilaritatem