Thanks, dk. Nice of you to mention me. I'm glad SOMEBODY enjoys my verbose blathering.

I'm a regular at the Axiom forum because a LOT of very nice people can be found here who have a LOT of knowledge and are willing to share that knowledge. Also, whether they be novice or expert, I consider the vast majority of them friends. We try, very hard, to keep in mind that the goal is to help folks obtain a system that provides them with as much joy as our own provides us.

In addition, I am a former Axiom owner who remains a devoted fan of Axiom the company, the people who work there, and it's products. I feel Axiom speakers are a terrific value, and have no qualms about recommending them when I feel they are the right choice for a given individual.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton