Hmm, you're sort of all over the map here on size. ;-) The Bell'O ATC-2052M's are big. To give you an idea of scale, here's some pictures (excuse the terrible lighting, it's late here and I didn't feel like fiddling with the camera):

family room

Also excuse the mess, I'm in the process of mucking with speaker positioning and writing new software for the Irman and Powerlinc to run on the Hush PC (hence the dangling wires).

For size reference, that's a 60" Sony Grand WEGA TV in the middle, sitting on a Bell'O AVSC2051MC. The mains on each side are M80ti's. That's a VP150 under the TV. The equipment wall is almost 16' across, I was standing near the back of the room (roughly 25' deep) when snapping the straight-on shots. From bottom to top in the left one there's an HTPC in an Ahanix DIGN case (too dark to see in picture), a Netgear FS108 ethernet switch (hidden from view cuz it's deep in the base on top of the DIGN case), a Sunfire Ultimate Receiver, a ReplayTV 5160, the Hush Mini-ITX PC, an ancient Sony S-VHS VCR,
a Hughes E86 DirecTV HDTV receiver, a Sony DVD player and a Linksys WAP11 wireless ethernet hub.

I'm very happy with the Bell'O units. As you can see, one of them has no audio gear, it's just being used to hold pictures, candles, trinkets, etc. They'll handle a lot of weight w/o complaint, as will the AVSC2051MC. I got the AVSC2051MC locally for cheap, it was a floor demo unit in like-new condition (no marks anywhere). I got the
ATC-2052MC's from Unique Style Solutions. Note they're shipped via freight. They're heavy, they can easily be moved by two people when empty, but I wouldn't try moving one myself on a hardwood floor unless you like marks on your floor. :-)