Hey Randy:
Please forgive my very short answers, I'm working up against tight deadlines!

- It won't be hard to run parallel, but separated wires through the staging through seperate holes to keep A/C a little bit away from any A/V cables.

-You can get blank, metal wall plates and paint them an appropriate color to the stage. Drill each appropriately to run the cable thorough. Might exen be able to find rubber grommets so the vibes from that 500 won' vibrate the wires against the drilled metal hole.

-Are you carpeting the stage?

- Can you just pack some fiberglass batting in the stage for vibrations?

-I think the height will be _preferable_. If I built a theater, I'd want to get the speakers in-line with the stage as much as possible!

-personally, I think a stage makes a very nice visual presentation.

-Apply wood glue or other gunk along the top edge of your 2x8s (in addition to screws) to dampen vibes from between the 2x8s and the subfloor from anyplace not hinged. Put rubber washers or bumpers under any hinged tops to prevnt vibration. Use plywood and "rap" on it before carpeting. You want thud...not drum!

Sorry for the short answers!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::