I also was in a similar situation and decided on getting the M60ti without listening. I did a lot of research and for best bang for the buck I landed in the Axiom forums.

I read and read and finally I pulled the trigger. While at first without calibrating or letting my ears get used to them I was unimpressed.

About 3 weeks into having them they sound very very good. Especially if you like to listen to your music loud as I do. You can really crank up the volume and get no distortion.

These speakers feel VERY accurate. You'll really start to notice the difference in quality recordings from different CDs. Part of my early disappointment was listening to some very old rock.

I started listening to other CDs that had much higher quailty recording and Wow what a difference.

I was one of those "turn up the bass and trebble all the way" retro guys from back in the 70s. I finally started listening to music for accuracy and I find my taste for music is changing a bit.

For example before my M60tis I saw cool jazz as elevator music. Now it is one of my favorite things to listen to. The accuracy and purity of the music on the M60tis just blows me away. Even started listening to some classical and that is impressive as well.