Note to DIY HTPC'rs

HD + HTPC's = less and less likely everyday thanks to your friends in Washington bending over for the 'industry'.

I don't mean to rain on this parade because HTPC is one of my most favorite things. There is going to be a war once HD content becomes more prevalent and it doesn't look good for *us*.

Believe it or not, but Microsoft is our friend in this. They may be one of the few companies to fight on our behalf. On one side you have the RIAA saying you shouldn't be allowed to turn your CD into mp3. On another you have Hollywood fighting to keep movies off your (HT)PC. And then the kicker is the cable industry (CableLabs) saying those kick butt cable cards will not be allowed in any (HT)PC they don't stamp their ($$$) approval on.

Oh ya, don't care about HDTV? They are trying to make all this bad news backwards compatible too.

Write your Senator/Rep!

I'm a saaaaaad panda.