Ahh, I like your wiring, man after my own heart.

My motto, "You can never have enough zip ties." I'm enfatuated with making the inside of computer cases/other cables looking really neat. The cables look very neat, nice how you moved the power cables all to one side.

That kinda reminds me of when I was working at a computer shop, they had me wire a huge server cabinet, almost looked like that, with all the power cables all zip tied together in a neat little bundle. For some reason, I think doing that is sorta fun.

Anyways, it looks fabulous!

Are you only going to have one halo controller, and move the balanced outputs to the other 2 halo amps on the other side?

P.S. I just realized how sweet that rack design is. You can, slide it out turn it, that is REALLY nice man.

Last edited by danmagicman7; 03/18/06 06:19 PM.

M22s|VP100|QS4s|HSU STF2