The NAD pieces are solidly built, and offer good value for teh money. They have good quality amps, are very sturdy, and sound quality is good. I have been driving large Axioms AX3' with a NAD 40watt for some time, and I also have a 25w that I use occasionally. You will have not touble with 20w.

I have not seen the combination machine, except on the web. I suspect that NAD would not release a substandard product. The reason NAD is mated to the PSB's, is because they are owned by the same company - Lenbrook from just outside Toronto Ontario Canada (Pickering for those near TO>)

You are asking a lot from $1k, but your choices are quite good given your budget. I am not a fan of combo players, and feel they are convenience appliances. But this manufacturer can be trusted. You might want to think about buying a separate CD of quality, with an amp, and waiting for a bit to get speakers (assuming you have a pair to make do with).

A proper system should be upgraded from the source (CD/Turntable/DVD) first, with electronics and speakers following. This is because if a poor source can not reproduce the data on the media, the amp or speakers will NOT be able to add the missing information.
