The Cambridge pieces are good quality. You have made a good choice. I also believe that the M50's would be a good match for the pieces you have chosen.

Audio racks? I would suggest the one that matches your decor. There are many possibilities, including a company that offers what they term "a stand for the ultimate in audio" at $4k US. The main features of these stands are the elimination of vibrations, and there affect of sound...a topic for another day. Look for a solid stand that fits your decor, and budget.

Cables are another well discussed item in audio circles. I would suggest a quality interconnect between the amp and cd, and fairly heavy gauge speaker wire, say 12-14g. There are numerous vendors of these products, but some common varieties are Monster, Gabriell, Wireworld, etc. Some are very expensive, and it is subjective to the difference they make. My opinion is that cables/interconnects do have an impact on a system. There is a point of diminishing returns as to what price they cost, and the tangible difference they will have. A good system deserves to have good quality connections, as to complete the system. I don't scrimp in this area, but I don't go overboard either.
