Sounds like you are getting the system together! Let us know how it sounds!

In terms of where you place the equipment, that is really up to you and your decor. If you place it in the closet, ensure there is good ventilation. Overheated equipment can cause many problems, including poor sound and shortening the life of the piece. If you have a remote control, that also may be a factor. Ventilation is key. Also ensure proper electrical supply.

As for cables, I am sure you have read the threads on this board. The main idea is to provide a connection between pieces that does not impede the devices from working to their full capability. Cables are actually complex loads of inductance, capacitance and resistance across the frequency spectrum. Electrically there can be differences between cables of different prices, qualitites and materials. Acoustically, the difference is very much subjective to the individual. The different sides of the issue take stands such as the affects as being psychoacoustical phenomena" - meaning you are imagining, or convincing yourself there is a difference. This camp states that technically there is nothing different about cables when measured with meters and oscilloscopes. The other side states emphatically that cables do have an impact on sound, and claim the opposite camp also believes that a inexpensive component that measures technically well is the best. If that were true, we should all buy pieces entirely based on specifications they claim.

Were do I stand you ask? (Implied qustion LOL) I believe that there is a vast difference between the typical "throw in" interconnects that come with the piece, standard 22/24 gauge speaker wire (as displayed beautifully in most big box electronic stores, and cables of decent price and decent quality. My Axiom midfi setup is wired with Monster Cable interconnects (approx $60) and generic 12gauge speaker cable with pin connectors (Axiom included a very cheap guillotine speaker connector on the AX3) added for convenience. In my vastly more expensive system I have better pieces, and better cables. For those who will ask the question, yes, I have played with switching, and the cheaper cables do limit the expensive system, and the expensive cables do not improve the cheaper system - and I can not explain in great detail the differences....or sadly why.

Cables should be viewed as a completion of an already decent quality system. Adding $4k interconnects/cables (yes, they do exist) to a $1500 system will not cause a vast improvement. BUT adding $4 interconnects/cables to a $4k system will impact the sound. But for electrically measurable and explainable theoretical principles.

So to make a long story short, or a bad story over ;) Go to Home Depot, buy the 12g speaker cable in the lengths you need, find Monster (to name but 1 brand) interconnects for less than $100 and take the wife out for dinner with the rest of your money!
