Bingo, Tharkun!
I will have a matching door when I build the new wall, leaving an aisle from the new door, past the seats, to the door in the picture. Behind the screen is a furnace room & storage area. So my width is the same, no matter which way I face.

Where does that leave me...?

M60's are out of the running, right?
I can put W22's behind a 106" screen, or place M22's below a 100" screen. Distance from the side wall will be equivalent for both cases.
I'll have plenty of bass with twin EP's. Would it be beneficial to "help out" the 22's (and VP150) by setting the crossover at 100hz? I was wondering what frequencies are affected by a "mid-bass hump" by placing a speaker too close to a boundary wall... If 80-100Hz is part of the affected range, then switching that over to the properly located EP's would help, yes?

How about a vote?
1. M22's + VP150 beneath 100" screen
2. W22's + W150 behind 106" perforated screen
3. M60's + 27" CRT if that's what it takes!