One of the things that I find encouraging in the reduction of DVD costs for standard quality DVDs is the fact that cable costs are rising to the point that cable costs can exceed even car payment levels!!

Gads!!.....but then again, that includes high-speed internet and local phone line.

But what makes us older folks angry is the broken promise of cable.

When cable, or "pay-per-view," came out, the concept was that when paying for the content, that comercials would be eliminated!

The choice was to be comercial TV where we paid by watching comercials; or pay per view, where we paid with our bucks to see the shows.

Now we find we're stuck paying both ways!! And cable has more comercials than ever!! It's neigh unwatchable without some kind of DVR to zip past the trash!

Soapbox! Soapbox!!

At least with cheap DVDs we old folks with our 480P eyes will have something to watch on our 1080 TVs when cable gets out of reach of fixed incomes.

.....then again, I suppose we could cut back from 1324 channels with nothing to watch to only 300....still with nothing to watch.

But then we'd lose our HD channels! Arrrrrrrgh!!

DVRs are cool, though! The Wife and our Son watch the NASCAR races every Sunday and they typically run for, oh, I dunno, 'bout six to eight hours when you include all the prerace stuff.(which they do!)That's a long haul!! That would be almost intollerable without the ability to zap over all the ads, and often bunches of laps of a 600 mile race that just goes on forever!

.....kinda like standing on an Atlanta freeway overpass and watching rush-hour traffic without all the trucks.....

Anyway the next step is to begin filling a second 400 disc DVD player, as the first one is almost full!!

Gotta plan for the future!!