Thanks for the support and your prayers and thoughts.

Lisa was moved out of the CCU and into the Ortho unit yesterday. Still no movement, but we’re not giving up hope. The support the family is getting from friends and the community in general is amazing. Lisa is on numerous ‘prayer’ lists of several churches and everyone from the city mayor to the city manager and more than 50 people have gone to see her (and she’s 300 miles away). I had to put the cell phones on unlimited calling plans yesterday as people continue to call and offer support. The town opened a banking account for donations too. We’ve got her on the review list to send her to what folks are telling us, is the best SCI rehab center in the country in Denver. We are supposed to hear back by noon today if they will admit her or not.

Thanks Dave. I’m not sure which religion the family belongs to. I know they attend church regularly though. Their pastor did pay them a visit.