Well if I do this again, and I’m sure I will………

I’d probably buy a mid level Yamaha 7.1 AVR. I haven’t look at them in a while so I don’t which model. I’d want it to have HDMI switching though. I don’t want video processing, just switching. I like the Yamaha’s audio options. They seam to be one step ahead of the rest of the pack with functions and user options. I’d use the Yamaha for a processor and I’d pick up a good three channel amp to drive the mains and center. I’d be looking for an amp that would put out around 300 WPC at 4 ohm. Any AVR should drive the surrounds and backs. No need to waste money on a big assed amp for them.

In a year or so I’d peddle the AVR and get another mid level AVR with all the new bells and whistles of that year…..like HDMI 1.3 / or whatever it is then and HD Dolby / DTS…..

The three channel amp should be good for a decade.