OK, after some testing (all of 1 batch). I have confirmed the following:

A 4oz Prepack contains a little more than 1/2 cup of unpopped corn (I had it heaping as much as popcorn would "heap" and still had a little in the packet)

2 heaping tablespoons of the oil (coconut oil is a solid at anything cooler than 76 degrees F)

1 (barely) level tablespoon of Flavacol (seasoning)

I also stopped by the Paragon (makers of the popular Theater Pop popcorn machine, and my Contempo version) factory today to get the "good" oil. 1 Gallon was like $21 plus tax (yikes), but it will last a LONG time. They also are making the Star Wars (maybe others) popcorn machines for Snappy as well. They said to NEVER put more than 4oz of popcorn into a 4oz machine. Extra oil is fine, but not extra popcorn. They claim that it will ruin the kettle. Hmmm. I know a lot of people say that they put in the prepacks made for 6oz poppers into a 4oz machine. Who knows.

Farewell - June 4, 2020