>When you wire your lights, I’d just put the ones in front of the screen on their own switch. Sure do wish I would have done that. It would have been perfect to put them on a three way and those two lights could have been used for over the bed reading lights……ho-hum….live and learn.

This is exactly what I am doing. The back 2 lights will be on a dimmer switch, the front 2 lights will be on a on/off switch. I originally was going to have lights right above where the screen would be, this would make the room look un-even concerning lights.

I decided to get 4 tracks lights with 2 lights on each, and make a "square" shape with them spread out in the middle of the room to the sides of the room as to not effect the projection from the projector. A little hard to explain. But I think it is the best solution. If I had lights above the screen to accent it, even though I could turn them off, they would look out of place if it wasn't a theatre room. Life is full of compromise!

Sorry for Hi-Jacking your thread!

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