Once again, thanks for the advice everyone. I am close to picking a system now. I appreciate all the help. I am leaning heavily toward B&W 802D's, HTM2 center, ASW 825 sub, 805 rears, a Rotel RMB 1095 amp and Rotel RSP 1068 Processor. Yes, I know this is not an Axiom system. I heard those B&W's and they just blew away everthing else I had listened to---even the Paradigm Signature 8's. Of course, they are almost twice as expensive as the Sig 8's, but I don't intend on buying another system for several years and I want a good one for my first one. The whole thing before setup and wires is about $22,000. I know this is far above my initial budget, but I just didn't like the sound of anything I heard at the stereo shops in my $10k budget. I can still afford the B&W's without doing any loans or selling a child, etc. Once again, thank's for all your input.