
They've blown away everything I've demoed locally, including Paradigm, B&W, Klipzsh, Polk, etc... Put it this way, you have nothing in Best Buy that is of the same league.

Haha yeah i know core Best Buy has nothing comparable, but Best Buy Magnolia Home Theater has some pretty decent stuff (If you like Martin Logans, Vienna Acoustics, or Def Tech) but anywho from what im aware of the Axioms are not necessarially better but come extrememly close to speakers you pay thousands of dollars for, and hey that sounds like a great deal if im saving lots of money.

So from what i've been hearing about the Subs i think i will go with the EP175 instead of the EP125, but im still unsure about the bookshelves. I have people telling me to go with all three, but hey i guess its my choice huh? Hmmm this is a tough one indeed. I have reasons to by all three, the M2's will save me alot of money, the M3's seem to be quite a deal and from what i've been hearing from everyone they are an amazing speaker, and for the M22's they give me the bigger sound for when i move them to a bigger room, well if i do. But i think i will just go with the M3's and EP175. How much longer does FO take than to just buy the speakers new, cauuuse i want them soon