danmagicman-- I've added you as well

oldskoolboarder -- Those Office characters are too funny! Saw you Mii today. Awesome! Was Bush from you? The ones I sent are me (Richii) and Sam and Noah, the faces behind my username.

I'd love to see some of the other creative ones, like Bono, etc. My wife and I tried to make some, and we failed miserably. We thought maybe Mick Jagger would be obvious enough but we couldn't get there. We'll come up with something!

And about the Intellivision, I still deeply reqret ever getting rid of that. 1982-1983 I played that baseball game almost every day with my best friend. Loved that game. And I still think that was one of the best baseball games there was. You had such incredible control. There was an emulated version of the game for the PS2, but it didn't really work without that control pad. That was the key.

See you all soon!