Thanks Hutzal. I know I came to the conversation late and for some reason thought folks were talking about a 2 channel amp for $3500. 8 channels are certainly a lot of channels and $437.00 per channel is steep but not outrageous.

There are some excellent multichannel amps out there which have been very well received by reviewers such as the Anthem PVA 5 or 7 which MSRPs for about $200 per channel. (105 wpc)

I don't want to provoke Pmbuko by letting on that I can speak from personal experience as to the Anthem PVA 5, and can report that it is a wonderful amp, can be found for less than $200/channel and that I am very pleased with its sound quality, ability to handle difficult material and runs cool.

If the new Axiom amp can top the far more expensive Anthem Statement in price, output, sound and build quality, then the new Axiom would be a bargain.

Anyone know whether Axiom is thinking of building these amps on their own or having them built for them in China?

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.