
This is great news.

I'd like to suggest that you include the following fields in the database to enable users to search/filter and Axiom to datamine its users :

1. Room volume in cubic feet: small (<1500), medium (1500 to 3000), large (3001 to 5000) and ginormous (> 5000).

2. Amplifier power in W/ch: low (<75), medium (75 to 100), high (101 to 300) and deafening (>301). Users would calculate this by summing the total power and dividing by the number of usable channels.

3. Speaker configuration: 2-channel stereo, 2-channel & centre, 4-channel, 5-channel, 6-channel, 7-channel, other. And also please find some way to incorporate the kind of Axiom speaker in the selection.

4. Sub-woofer power & half-power frequency (Hz):

power in W: low (<100W), medium (101 to 300), high (301 to 500) and frightful (>501).

half power frequency in Hz: low (35), lower (28 to 34), lowest (20 to 27), earth-shaking (<20).

This should also include quantity of each type.

There may be other things that I can't think of right now. And the BBQd chicken, beer and good friends are beckoning