So you are handing me a blank cheque and carte blanche?.....Well the $30k Matin Logan system will be delivered as soon as they get your credit card number....... ;)

Seriously, you need to possibly address some items upfront. First ensure that you have proper elctrical supply. Several independent, isolated circuits are a must. Ensure enough to meet any changes in equipment placement you may want to expereiment, or need to make.

If you plan to stick to a floor plan, you can hide the speaker cables in the walls. This eliminates most flexibility, and can be a problem if you encounter a flaw in a cable.

Acoustically, there as many thoughts as minutes in the day. Insulate the walls, and cover them with a material of your choice. Drywall is common, and fairly easy to install....but sanding is a chore!

I would start by asking yourself what I want, need and can afford. These will guide your choices, especially with a multi function room.
