
I appreciate all of the advice offered on this site. Who knows what I would have ended up with?
Now I know there's a whole different level out there and I'm hooked.
Anyone who uses a sub with the 60's have any input? Is that needed in 2200 sq ft room?

My room is 15' x 17'x 8' (1/2 of one side of my room opens up into a 10'x 8' x 8' area.

I thought my M60s were a little lacking in the lows. That is more of my personal tastes however. I'm a big fan of 70s music which is full of poor recorded stuff ... Axiom being so accurate you could really tell the difference between a well recorded CD and old 70s stuff.

Unfortunately the first thing I put on my axioms was an old Kinks CD. I was very unimpressed, even disappointed. Then I calibrated the system and put on good quality recorded CDs and was blown away.

Still I wanted a bit more bass for my 70s stuff and it wasn't until I got my HSU 2.3 subwoofer that my old stuff really started to sound good to me. Not to mention the movies sounded WAY better.

People talk about the M22s requiring a subwoffer, but for my personal tastes, the M60s aslo require it.