I've had a few good ones cracked at my expense but the most embarassing one was at a meeting a few years back.

As you know, most companies will usually have some variation of your first name and first letter of last name or first initial of first name and last name as your email address which is followed by @company.com

So, I had ran out of business cards and one of the people wanted my contact info and my co-worker pipped up, "It's easy to remember Gay with a silent H @companyname.com"

Not the impression I was wanting left with one of our vendors but it was good for a couple akward laughs. More so after work and some beers.

In case anyone was wondering, my name is Graeme and the handle "Hay" is my last name. ghay@

High Gloss Cherry
M60 VP150 QS8
Open for Auditions but please don't drool on the High Gloss