In our language, our vowels are pronounced EH (as in bay); EE (as in me); eye; oh; you. In just about every other language they are pronounced: letter A is AH (as in wad); letter E is EH (as in bay); letter I is EE (as in keep); oh; and UE (as in sue).

That's why IKEA is EE-kEH-AH, rather than EYE-kEE-UH.
That's why Antonio Bandaras pronounces congestion as cOHn-jEHs-tEE-OHn, rather than cuhn-jest-shun.
That's why Mitsubishi is mEEt-sUE-bEEsh-EE
That's why Daimler is dAHEEm-ler (the AH and EE form the diphthong "eye"), and not Dame-ler.