(This is the thread that never dies... It just goes on and on...:) )


While some people might consider Axiom speakers to be bright, please keep in mind that "bright" is an extremely relative term. You have to ask yourself "Brighter than what?" For example, I had Paradigm Monitor 9 tower speakers before I purchased my Axiom M22s. Yes, they are definitely brighter than the Paradigms, but that is a very good thing. Allow me to explain...

I have come to equate the term bright with the following desirable qualities: detailed, airy, uncompressed, revealing.

In contrast, speakers that are not bright get the following terms: veiled, compressed, laid-back, and bleck (to use spiffnme's term).

Also, don't pay any attention to the brightness reputations of solid-state receivers. It's a myth. As long as the receiver has enough power to drive the speakers, it will sound fine.