
To me, I don't give a rat's butt either way. I have better things to spend my hard earned cabbage on, even if this HD-DVD player is only $200. I don't care. So buy your blu-rays and your hd-dvds, and enjoy them instead of bickering over which one is better, or which one will "win"... By the time there is a "winner", 2nd and 3rd generation combo units will be out that will play both and then it won't matter which one you get. Let's all just move along before this gets heated. I know that Axiom hasn't had a thread in a little while that got volatile, but we don't need one now.

Every time this topic comes up, someone has to throw dirt at it and start talking about format wars, wasted money or some global conspiracy revolving around HDMI. It’s all silly… I agree Nick, why do folks feel so compelled to do that?? I don't get it.

I own both players, and am enjoyed the hell out of both. I buy most of my disks, but Netflix rents them too. The only reason I bothered to post this was to give anyone thinking about buying an HD player an opportunity to do so, cheap. A year ago they were over a grand and HD/BR movies were scarce. Now a person can have the machines to play both formats for under $700, get a $400 receiver to process the lossless sound, and rent the disks.

When you finally get around to spending your cabbage on one, you’ll regret not doing it sooner. HD and BR are so much better than SD it’s pathetic to try and compare them. Sound and video. And isn’t that why so many of us waste time on these forums?? To discuss ways of enjoying this AV addiction??