From David Letterman's web page, as submitted by viewers in the weekly Top Ten Contest:

Top Ten Surprises in "The Sopranos" Series Finale

10. Paula Abdul shows up as celebrity judge, thinks the Sopranos are singers -- Greg G, Beatrice, NE

9. Bada Bing strip club changes into bingo parlor named "Bada Bingo!" -- Randy V, Austin, TX

8. Pauly Walnuts reveals hair coloring routine after signing exclusive contract with Just For Men -- Dan C, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

7. Tony comes out of the shower to find it was all a dream and he's actually just a fat guy from New Jersey -- Gareth S, Dublin, Ireland

6. Dr. Melfi reveals she's actually a podiatrist -- Hardy J, New York, NY

5. Bob Barker neuters Tony -- James B, Montpelier, VT

4. Tony seated next to Tuberculosis Guy on flight to witness protection program -- Bill S, Federal Way, WA

3. Ugly turf war with The Altos and The Baritones -- Bill K, Laurel, MD

2. Rosie O'Donnell makes guest appearance as Tony's long lost twin brother -- Santos L, Austin, TX

1. Tony's psychiatrist says he can't go to prison because of "medical condition" -- Jon B, Springfield, IL

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.