

I really don't think that you need to mount it on a stud. If you use dry-wall anchors, you should be just fine.

True, but do hit the stud if you can. I did in the middle and used drywall anchors for the sides of the T. I just had the wire come out next to the T bracket, not through it- I don't remember seeing an "access hole" in the bracket but I may have missed it.

You know, sitting here at work I can't really remember what the stupid T bracket even looks like. I "thought" it had some type of hole in it to snake the wires through but I could be completely wrong. I guess I will have to make a separate hole in the wall to get them through. You see, my walls are not sheet-rock (dry wall) they are paneling on top of 1/2" of some type of semi-dense fiber board nailed to 2x4's. The walls were already installed as part of a finished basement when I bought the house. I imagine the fiber board helps a little with keeping the basement warmer in the winter, and they certainly do help with the accoustics of the room. BUT, it is a little harder to make new holes and if you make a boo-boo it is nearly impossible to cover up.. unlike dry wall that can be fixed with spackle.

"Tis better to desire that which you do not have, than to have that which you do not desire!"