I don’t know much about the Denons. The only reason I’ve been keeping up on the Onkyo’s is because I plan to go with separates, some day, and the two I mentioned are ones that I’m keeping an eye on, which usually leads to discussions comparing them all including the receivers…. You know how those forum threads go… One big complaint that the separates owners have is the lack of Reon configurations the separates have verses the 905.

As far as games go, I don’t play games. My 14 year old son does though. I picked up a couple car racing games and Resistance, Fall on Man. I don’t dare start playing because RFoM on an eight foot screen in High Def and 7.1 is wayyyy cool. RFoM is a discrete 7.1 channel game, which is why I bought it, so I could test my receiver. It’s quite eerie to hear these monsters coming at you from behind to the right or left and at the same time get shot at from the sides and directly from the front of you. I’m not sure, but this game may be the only true 7.1 channel media content available.