You can see fairly comprehensive frequency response curves here for the M80s at various listening positions. There is no boost in high frequencies.

Also, I think when you hear someone comment about a piece of equipment, you should ask if they ever owned it and if the opinion is their own or someone else's. When you read forums, it is very common to see people pass judgement on equipment that they never heard or used themselves. It is also common to take one person's word on an equipment as the absolute truth. You may want to consider auditioning the M80s and making your own determination on how they fit in to your system, room, and tastes. If there is no audition available locally, you can buy them since you only need to ship them to Michigan within 30 days if you are not satisfied. I think the odds of you returning them will be quite small. Good luck and please let us know of your thoughts if you try them out.


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