I learned from you .. Maaassteerrrrrr....
As your suggestion many months ago I went to search for a case that is quiet and also has the ummppph in small package. It has 1 AGP and 1 PCI and it supports the Hyperthreading chips up to 500 mhz bus. It would be nice for a 800 bus but that would be too expensive. I bought a 9700 Radeon a week after you bought yours. Figured if it worked for you it would work for me...Maaassstter......precieous.....

Tried both DVI with dongle and VGA and was no diff on the X1. The DVI to VGA dongle only passed the analog signal to the projector. Noticed some noise on the picture with the dongle so went just straight VGA to projector. Even with the component video on my progressive DVD player to the Farouja scaler the straight VGA from HTPC to X1 is the best PQ. I am using Powerstrip to sync a 16:9 800x430 WinXP desktop so that I do not have to switch between 4:3 16:9. So the 4:3 image is smaller but I don't have to adjust my settings anymore and I can definitely start looking for a 16:9 screen rather than this el cheapo screen. Just have to wait till Feb 04 when the new place is done.