Wireless works fine. Get a el cheapo wireless keyboard from your local no name computer store. BTC and ACER has one for like $25. If you have a learning remote (which I do) just find the keyboard keys to operate the software DVD. All the control on most of your software has a alternative keyboard stroke. You then put your keyboard ir to your learning remote ir and hit the appropriate keystrokes to approriate keys on your remote. Voila..your remote does all your keyboard commands for that DVD software program.

If not this remote is pretty cheap from computer shops.

This is what I use to watch standard cable TV on a projector. If you want HD or Sattelite Semi_on has more info than I do.

This is my recommended DVD software player - NVDVD. It is easy to setup. And you pretty much leave it alone after intial install. WinDVD another product is supposedly the best picture quality but lots of tweaks need to be adjusted to get the best PQ.


This is the sofware that scales your desktop for make it 16:9 properly. (If your projector isn't 16:9)


Most people recommend getting an ATI Radeon card. Very good DVD decoder hardware.

CPU anything more than 800MhZ since you have a good video card that does DVD decoding or motion compensation. For PVR and TiVo - to record your shows on your computer for later viewing you need a really fast CPU in upwards of 2.2 GHz. Semi_On know more of this than I do.

Make sure that the motherboard does have SPDiF digital out so that you can connect a digital cable to your surround sound Reciver/processor to decode the DVD's audio. Lots of new/current motherboard todays have this as standard.
I built mine for about $550

CF968L case http://www.american-media.com/Products/PC_Servers/CF-968.html
Intel Celeron 2.2 Ghz
Radeon 9700 Dual with DVI
20 gig laptop hard drive
cordless keyboard/mouse combo
MSI TV tuner card
512 meg DDR
LG 16xDVD 48xCD burner combo

Win XP
DirectX 9
Media Player 9