Yeah my HTPC does run 800x453 using Powerstrip. The projector still projects at 800x600 but my windows desktop is 800x453 ... something like than.
The bottom and top is blacked out. When it present 4:3 material it projects properly with black line on the left and right. This is good if you have a 16:9 screen.

I used BLeodler powerstrip settings from avsforum.

The X1 is set to 4:3, but I am using powerstrip on my HTPC to create a custom resolution of 800x453. I was never able to get 800x450 working, but the extra 3 lines aren't noticeable. The X1 sees it as 800x600 so the scaler isn't activated. The following are my powerstrip settings:


To use these just copy them and go to the custom resolution screen in powerstrip then hit the paste button.

This setup allows me to have the HTPC desktop displayed on my 16:9 screen. There are a couple problems with this resolution however. First, on some things in Windows the OK and Cancel buttons are off the screen since there are only 453 vertical pixels. I have overcome this by using tab to blindly hit OK or using the powerstrip tray icon to quickly change to 800x600 and back to 800x453. Second, sometimes when I turn the projector on the image is shifted to one side, I fixed this by programming the effect key to do auto image and included it in the power on macro.