The difference between the M3s and M22s is more than just the bass hump. I like to listen to the Getz/Jobim CD, there's a Getz sax solo somewhere in there that with the M3s you can hear the plosive breathiness of the sax in the lower registers which is just astonishingly realistic. The M22s I had never captured this nuance like the M3s did. Although the Michaura M55s outsparkle both the M22s and M3s in the upper registers, these beautiful speakers don't capture that piece of sax magic as well as the M3s either. I'm thinking that I should try stacking the M55s ontop of a pair of M3s or Michaura M66s (2 of the same 6.5" drivers as the M3) and using the Yamaha M80 amplifier which puts out a stable [u]+[/u]330 watts at 4 ohms. Might combine the best of both.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.