Hi Rick: Were subs invented before the advent of HT. Maybe my amp just doesn't have the voltage levels required to sustain a sub (I think someone on this thread suggested that already). A faulty sub sounds like a reasonable conclusion, since I've tried almost everything suggested on this Forum, and none of them worked, or if they did work, it was to a limited degree.

As for calling my subs crap, I would rather have you call it the way you see, rather than just pussy-footing around. I am not offended in the least bit. It was a straight-forward call after all suggestions were tried, and not a personal attack on me. All you did was put into words what other people might be thinking. Please carry on using descriptives that you think are appropriate. No apology needed, only your good advise.

Last edited by manarex; 11/25/07 09:27 PM. Reason: spelling mistake

Eric G.