
Well, as you would expect, latest DLP RPTVs and FPs basically exhibit same basic parameters for picture quality (resolution, black level, shadow details, color saturation/accuracy, etc), except that:

(1) Because RPTV has a smaller screen with highly directional gain-tuning (especially vertical) so that the image is brighter and hence better tolerates ambient light. On the other hand, FP typically uses a larger, wide-viewing-angle screen material, which translates to less image brightness and less ambient light tolerance (As I always tell you, a dark room is one single key to the FP).

(2) As I mentioned above, I personally do not like the highly directional, dithered screen of RPTVs -- besides the brightness variations and hot-spotting, the image lose "film-ness." In comparison, FP images look like, well, film.


The silver one is the Vutec Silverstar screen with a whopping screen gain of 6.0. It is a hard-board material. It's about $60 per sq. ft. So, a 100"-diagonal screen would be ~$1800. Just in comparison, my pulldown (120"-diagonal, retro-reflective High Power fabric with 2.8 gain) is ~$600.