Since the Monster Company has been beat to death, here over the years....
I wanted to respond with my view this time, to yet another "Monster bashing fest".

As many of you already know, I have used, and enjoyed their products for many years. I really don't get worked up about this subject, or the Monster Company, but I used to wonder what all the negativity was about....I mean, talk about bitter dreggs. I found it perplexing, as to why so many here in the past, could get so venomous, and rude over............wires.

I believe the truth is: PRICE!........NOT the aggressive trademark, and patent lawsuits, or the "improved sound" claims, most state as the reasons for their angry flames.
Sorry, but it's true..................otherwise so many here would not condemn "Monster cables", then turn right around... buy, and so often recommend "blue Jeans cables"....essentially,
the exact SAME product, (only cheaper, of course). That "sameness" is the stated reason for the legal action, after all.
I think, IF everyone were honest about this, it would be discovered that Monster's prices, are the true source of the rage.

There are some audio products I don't care for, or think are not all they claim................but I don't get obsessed about it....searching for negative web blurbs to post, and responding to each and every post about the subject, trashing the product, or company, telling everyone.....again, and again, and again.

So please, enough already, with the "Monster mash".

I didn't post this to defend the company, or torque anyone off.............It's just getting a wee bit old, thats all.

LIFE: "Choices, balance, and timing"
