The classic "you're being negative" defense....

If stating my honest opinion of distaste is considered condescension, then you stating that you "don't get obsessed about it" -- and thus implying your superiority to those who do -- is condescension to a different degree. If you believe my post is the only negative one, then please re-examine your original post. Pay particular attention to the phrases "I mean, talk about bitter dreggs" and "Sorry, but it's true"

I have nothing against you, in general. In fact, I find your posts no less valuable than those of many other regulars here. I also believe two people on the internet -- even a crowd of people -- can have a civil argument by not taking cheap shots (i.e. attacking one's character) and sticking to the content of what has been posted. Note that at no time have I attacked your character. I simply believe, and have stated my case as such, that I found your post to be arrogant.