Which is why being able to play below 20hz is not that critical and not really missed. In my A/B testing I could tell which subs went lower but I also never felt I was really missing anything with the higher tuned subs.

Which is exactly what I was wondering last night.

The PB12-NSD I have here plays down in to the teens just like the PB13, but the driver size, box size, amp all play a part in how each sub sounds. The PB13 has a more airy, encompassing sound to it compared to the PB12. The EP600 has an even more encompassing sound to it than the PB13.

Which leads to more questions that I will ask in a separate thread. It does seem like others noticed the difference between the EP500/600 for movies and it was quite a difference. Those subs are out of my price range though.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!