Thanks everyone, if I decide that my m22 setup is not exactly what I want then I will feel secure in swapping m80's with no extra amplification.

On a side note, this receiver is simply amazing. When I went to Magnolia to audition the Yamaha RX-V3800, Denon 3808, and Pio 94 and I blindly chose the pio playing three very different music. They were all coming out of the Sonus Faber Conertino Domus' (which I was set on buying for a time), and everytime I chose the pio. The UI is bad, and the Faroujda chips are obsolete but it simply cannot be beat in sound reproduction. I noticed in particular, that the difference in the Denon (moreso than the Yamaha) was the slight harshness of the instruments. I've heard the term 'bright' and I think that is very apt. On the Yamaha, is was also slightly more bright, but less so. I remember the music being less bright, but also less precise in creating the individual nuances of the music. Once I made my decision the salesman informed me that everyone (despite varying brand loyalties and personal home theater choices) working with him has commented on the great sound this receiver has. Anyways..I rambled, I'm just really happy with it. Thanks for your help!!


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