Originally Posted By: Max3
Once I made my decision the salesman informed me that everyone (despite varying brand loyalties and personal home theater choices) working with him has commented on the great sound this receiver has. Anyways..I rambled, I'm just really happy with it. Thanks for your help!!


I wonder how all of the receivers are set up? Flat EQ, or sound processing turned off? Are they SPL leveled?

If "everyone" chooses the same receiver I would have to assume it's not a balanced playing field. I know most shops around here have certain products set up to perform better than others...

I'm glad you're happy with the receiver but I generally feel as though any AVR being run within it's capabilities (no distortion) with all sound processing turned off should be very similar if not the same in sound reproduction. Yes there will be differences in how loud and clean each can go but that's outside of the direct comparison within their capabilities.

High Gloss Cherry
M60 VP150 QS8
Open for Auditions but please don't drool on the High Gloss