Do you have a neighborhood association that enforces behavior in the neighborhood? They're very common in TX... generally I believe they exist to make my life hell (right now they're righting with me on where I've chosen to put my DirecTV dish on my house), but when you have problems with your neighbors, they are another outlet for an anonymous complaint that will actually be followed up on.

Incidentally, we have this problem as well right now but it only happens once every 2-3 weeks or so, so I've yet to call it in. Every time it happens I say I'm going to, and then I decide the potential hassle wouldn't be worth it. I did call the police the first time in the middle of the night after 3 hours straight of barking, but the police said they couldn't do anything b/c the neighbor wasn't home to talk to (weak police work!).

In any case, other ideas I've considered, some nicer than others...

1) Throw food/raw meat over the fence -> this has been proven to work, though not for long. When the food is gone - barking resumes.

2) Open the gate to the back yard where the dogs are staying, hope they run away and never return... This one I haven't done as I have a dog myself and find it overly cruel. However, I've considered it more than once in the middle of the night when about to go crazy.

Epic 80-800: HG Cherry