Monte's reviews are egotisitcal little pieces of self-congratulatory drivel. Most of his review centered on how much smarter he was than the rest of us. Poor, little pitiful soul. An true internet anonomist.

Interestingly, though, while only recommending speakers that come in at just under 10K, he can't stop blabbing about how he built a pair of decent sounding speakers for under $300. You get the sense that he's been to a couple of trade shows and has a background in engineering and that this qualifies him to teach the world a lesson on listening enjoyment.

I think that, unfortunately, little Monte has long ago abandoned actually listening to music for the enjoyment of it all. He's like a child intent on disproving the existence of Santa Clause. He has set himself up for dissapointment because (short of hiring an orchestra to play live music in a hall at his whim) he will never achieve that "perfect" listening experience with a pair of loud speakers. Any magic left in the experience has long vanished for him. Now, he relegated to criticism for criticisms sake.