Davey, about two months ago, I went over to a buddy's house (that I get together with about 3 times a year). He has an entry level Onkyo 5.1 receiver, and to my surprise, a complete set of Fluance speakers. I have no idea which models they were, where he got them, or what he paid.

Before I post my thoughts, you should know a few things. First, I own the Axiom M80's, which are an amazing speaker. As much as I try to remain unbiased when listening to new speakers, I do generally tend to be disappointed. Secondly, we did not do any "serious" listening - just threw in Fleetwood Mac's concert DVD of "The Dance". I have watched this countless times on my system, so I am very familiar with it. Thirdly, his speaker positioning was not ideal, as I could never find the "sweet spot", no matter where I stood or sat.

Here goes......
My initial impression when I first saw them was "economy". The cabinets were finished in a black vinyl veneer that seemed no better than speakers from an all-in-one system from Wal-Mart. No comparison to the "seamless" Axiom cabinets. I popped off the grill to find much more impressive and expensive looking drivers. Not the aluminum variety found in Axiom, but nice looking none the less.

The thing that stood out the most was how small and shallow the soundstage was. Whereas I am used to a massive soundstage, there was none with these. No matter where I stood, they just wouldn't "open up".

The bass was pleasantly tight and not over bloated - similar to the 80's, just lacking the dynamnic impact and accuracy I am used to. Still acceptable - better than others I've heard.

The mid's & hi's were not bad, just lifeless. Lead guitar came through ok, but Lindsay & Steve's vocals seemed "flat". There was no sparkle, no magic. No sense that you were listening to something special. This is the complete opposite impression people have when they listen to the M80's.

Overall, for my buddy, they are fine. He seems happy with them, and that is all that matters. They play far better than their cabinet fit and finish suggests. For me, if I could get a set cheap enough, they would be a perfect first speaker for when my daughter turns 9 or 10.


Epic 80/600 + M3's + M3 Algonquins + M2 Computer + EP125
I think I'm developing an addiction.