It has to be a pretty darn good movie that I’m all excited about seeing before I subject myself to the theater anymore. I enjoy the experience about as much as I do flying coach with an elbow in one rib to the right, an obese dude with bad BO to the left, an infant with an ear infection in front of me and a six year old who likes to kick the seat at random intervals behind me.

Although, I do have a hell of a weak spot for kettle corn and junior mints (and refuse to buy either for the house or I’d be sporting a 30 pack by now)….. However, the picture is better and the sound better at home and I just love that pause button…..Pause, go upstairs, mix a drink…. There is one movie theater in the big city that’s a micro brew and restaurant attached to an older movie theater that they’ve remodeled. The seats are couches with little tables and you can order some very good food and a micro beer. The movies are usually about six months old, but it sure is a much nicer experience than the big theaters with ity-bity screens and bose cubes (or whatever it si they use nowadays).

Lately, we've been going bowling instead of spending the evening when in the city instead of in the movie theater. I have no frigin idea what I’m doing and can’t break 100, but it sure is fun. A whole lot cheaper too.