So while anticipating my wife's exit from the bath (TMI?) I'm spending some quality time with the Audiobytes, which have supplanted my 10 year-old Yamaha computer speakers. I loved those Yamahas -- despite their plastic cabinets and lack of heft.

But now, there's a new game in town. I've been skipping around through my music collection and these speakers reveal the same nuances as my M22s, only in a compact package.

I'm now playing a Josh Ritter track, "Baby, That's Not All", which contains a warbly electronic piano that is mixed so it sounds as if it's coming from directly right and left of your head. The Yamahas could never really duplicate that surround effect as the M22s could, but the Audiobytes are right there.

Vocals are faithful. Spoken voice sounds like the person is right there. And did I mention how gorgeous the finish is? Maybe I'll snap a pic.... No, I hear the tub draining... \:\)