Originally Posted By: mdrew
You run auto set up first and make changes later. When you run the auto set up, it is VERY important to take your time. You need to make sure that the mic is at ear level as you sit in the seating and it is pointed straight up (preferably on a tripod). After you get it set in the first position, get comfortable somewhere that your body will not serve as some sort of bass trap or reflective object (no kidding). I grab my RF remote and back myself into the EQ area when I do this. You may be able to crouch behind a couch or something. When you are ready, also make sure that the kids aren’t running around with waffle bats or your neighbor isn’t running the lawnmower. It everything is cool, hit the go button on the remote and let the AVR do its thing. Repeat this in four or five more seating locations. Then you let the AVR calculate and then save those settings.

Step 2-
Verify speaker distances. You will notice that the sub is wacky. Don’t worry too much as it should show further away than what it actually is. Some folks have their own rules of thumb for this, and mine is + 8 feet. Make sure all the other speakers are pretty close to actual distances.

Step 3-
Set up your handy dandy RS meter on the tripod you had the mic on. Put it in the main position, which should have been position one when running the auto set up. Go into manual speaker set up and run through the channel levels manually. Dial all the speakers in to how you prefer them. You may not have to touch anything. I prefer the center channel to be 2 DB higher than the mains, the sub to be 5 DB higher than the mains and all others matched to the mains.

Step 4-
Check your X-over settings. Play with these some. I like to set my mains to Large and all others to small. I set LFE to Mains + LFE. Again, play with these a bit to see where you prefer it.

Step 5-
Copy the EQ curve. This does as you mention, sorta. It copies a few bands where Audessey set them. You can then go to each of the bands and tweak as you wish. This will most likely drive you nuts because you’ll always want to ‘tweak’ them.

After you do all that, you can then turn Audessey off and use your manual settings, turn it on, to flat, or F/R bypass. Only in Manual mode will the EQ bands be different. In all other modes they are left where Audessey put them.

Thanks mdrew, this is the kind of detailed description I've been looking for. I'm gonna print this out and give a shot next week when my fronts and center arrive \:\/

Seem to be a lot of people that don't mind helping out with good advice on this forum. Think I'll stick around

"Real Gun Control Is Hitting What You Aim At" - can't remember