It’s very difficult to give you advice without knowing what vehicle you have now, and what head unit / system it is running. And even if I did know that information, I’d still have to talk to one of my car audio buddies to find out what type of interface devises are available and who much room there is for drivers and so forth…... Bose systems are a friggin nightmare to integrate with aftermarket speakers, as well as any vehicle that has On Star. Most with factory Pass/security systems also come with their own bag of headaches.

Your best bet is to ask this question on one of the car audio boards where you can speak with folks who do this stuff for a living. I’ve had very good luck at Elite Audio. They have a SPL forum and a SQ forum. The SQ forum is where I go for advice as these guys/gals are what I call, Mobile Audiophiles. The owns who BS in the SPL forum are much more, uh…..rap and thumpity thump orientated.