Originally Posted By: jakeman

I haven't heard the MFW-15 which looks like a good slot ported sub for the money. Slot ports are basically a hole in a box and a very cheap way of adding SPLs. However slot ported subs generate more port noise than subs with flared ports which I find annoying and makes them a non-starter for me . Simply looking at SPL and FR graphs or a subjective ranking does not tell the full story.

The MFW port is kind of flared, it has been rounded over on the edges.

Surprisingly enough when I am playing the Ep600 at decent levels theres quite a bit of port noise, Which my unscientific guess thinks is caused by the small parts of the port where the seams are which are not completely flush with the rest of the port. I thought about putting some painters tape over the seams to smooth it out but never got around to it. Its not really a chuffing sound, hard to explain really... The port is so big that it doesnt have alot of pressure coming out of it, I mean its hard to feel the wind on your hand unlike a smaller port.